Fighting Fraud & Corruption Locally Awards & Conference
Monday 27th November 2023 the Fighting Fraud and Corruption Locally (FFCL) 2023 in-person conference took place in London, with key event sponsors: Cifas & Grant Thornton - at the Grant Thornton offices in Finsbury Square.
The conference was another great opportunity to elevate counter fraud activity, this time a focused collaboration with Local Authorities and Associates.
We are grateful to all those who attended, the associate speakers and workshop hosts who contributed to making the day a success.
View the Agenda here.
The conference featured key contributions from the following:
- Cllr John Fuller OBE
- Joshua Reddaway, National Audit Office
- Suki Binjal, FFCL Chair
- Jonathan Dodsworth, Veritau
- Paul Clowes, Essex Council
- Carol Owen, Lewisham Council
- Chris Keesing, City of London
- Imelda Kavanagh, Trowers & Hamlin LLP
- Nick Jennings, Hertfordshire Council
- Andy Hyatt, Tri-Borough: RBKC, LBHF, WCC
- Dr Elizabeth Barrett, Sussex University
- Paul Dossett, Grant Thornton
- Colin Sharpe, Leicester Council
- Mike Haley, Cifas
Fighting Fraud and Corruption Locally Awards 2023 were presented to close the event
Outstanding Contribution Awards
- Nick Jennings - Hertfordshire Council
- Andy Hyatt - Tri-Borough: RBKC, LBHF, WCC
- Rachel Tiffen - Cifas
Special Recognition Awards
- Paula Clowes - Essex Council
- Carol Owen - Lewisham Council
- Simon Bleckly - Salford City Council and Warrington Borough Council
- James Flannery - Kent County Council
Special thanks to
- Grant Thornton for accomodating the event
- Cifas for event sponsorship contribution
Click here to view the Winner Biographies
Our 2023 Award Winners

Speakers’ presentation slides can be accessed on the Knowledge Hub: Home - Fighting Fraud and Corruption Locally - Knowledge Hub (
Email if login access is required.