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Cifas named as winner of the Anti-Fraud solution at Credit and Collections Technology Awards 2020

20 November 2020

Cifas is delighted to have been named as a winner in this year’s Credit and Collections Technology Awards.

In the ‘Anti-fraud solution’ entry, Cifas promoted its facial matching fraud-preventing system  which allows Cifas members to search and flag images in order to identify whether or not images relate to personal data being used.

This unique fraud-preventing capability is now being used by 124 member organisations and has not only provided high financial savings, but has also prevented fraudulent applications, identified two key large fraud rings, as well as identified additional cases to be included on to the National Fraud Database (NFD).

Lee D’arcy, Cifas Commercial Director, said:  “I am thrilled that Cifas has won this award for the best Anti-Fraud Solution in 2020. The fraud prevention work that Cifas continues to do is undeniably adding value during the ongoing pandemic, and I’d like to thank Credit Connect UK for recognising our innovative approach to using technology to tackle fraud.”



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