The National Fraud Database (NFD) is the most comprehensive database of fraud risk data and intelligence in the UK
Hundreds of thousands of records are added every year by the UK's fraud prevention community. This data and intelligence is shared in real time and online: 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The NFD hold records of first and third party fraud risk, such as account takeover, identity fraud, false insurance claims, false applications and more. With over two million records available to search and analyse, it is imperative that you have the tools to efficiently and effectively work with our data.
The system is simple and effective. All members record instances of fraudulent conduct against their organisation to the relevant database, enabling other members to search against their data. When members confirm fraudulent conduct, they file their own case. We continually develop innovative tools to enable our members to interrogate our data and maximise its benefits.
The National Fraud Database has additional features to ensure that not only can you work with our data, but that our data works for you.
To find out more about how the NFD can help your organisation select External Threat Protect on our membership enquiry form. External Threat Protect enables organisations to combat external fraud and financial crime threats to their business and their people, using data, intelligence and learning. At its heart is the UK’s largest cross-sector database of first and third-party fraud risk, complemented by innovative tools and features that allow users to interrogate and investigate the data - data that is constantly analysed and interpreted to produce invaluable, up-to-date intelligence and cutting edge learning to keep industry informed and skills current.
Batch Search
Save time and resource - perform multiple searches by uploading your cases in a single file for automatic searching to the National Fraud Database.
Caselink is a powerful tool that shows you wider connections between fraud risk cases, helping you gain the maximum benefit from the wealth of data in the National Fraud Database. Caselink shows you these connections as a visual representation, allowing you to identify fraud rings, uncover additional evidence, trace and recover assets, and much more.
Digital Fraud Checks
Digital Fraud Checks are designed to help organisations detect fraudulent conduct more effectively. Simply submit the information you want to check, it is then sent to the relevant organisation and you should receive a response within 24 hours.
Facial Matching
Facial Matching allows you to upload an image as part of your search and identify cases that are linked by the same face - whether in the same document, or different documents.
Location Based Alerts
Guard against fraudsters operating in or targeting a specific area - Location Based Alerts use geographical data to search the immediate area around your customer or applicant address, and warn you if multiple third party frauds have recently occurred in that location.